Proposal at MacRostie Winery | Healdsburg

When Jan emailed me to set up his proposal at MacRostie Winery, he had basically everything set up- I was to arrive a bit early and photograph them with their families, and then we would walk out to the vineyards and he would propose. We could not have forecasted that the air quality would be what stood in our way!

Due to the pandemic, all wineries have been forced to only offer tastings outdoors. For MacRostie, this isn’t usually an issue, as they have several amazing outdoor spaces overlooking the vineyards. It is truly gorgeous out there! The issue came when, with the nearby fires, the air quality was no longer safe. We had a date all scheduled, and then the winery called Jan that morning to say that they had to close.

We waited several weeks, and things were still questionable, but then FINALLY- on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, we were able to make it work! The unfortunate news was that their families were no longer in town- but good news was, they were able to bring their dogs! Yep, MacRostie is dog friendly!

Jan and Raiza enjoyed their tasting with quite the view- and then Jan made an excuse to go out to his car (to get the ring) and I headed out to the vineyards (pretending to be a photographer hired b the winery for some updating social media photos).

Something special about these two, they have been best friends since KINDERGARTEN! Seriously, I was in awe when they told me! I mean, come on- they have spent their whole lives together! This also means they know each other reallllly well and still act “childlike” toward each other (Raiza kept swiping her hand over his face-gently- in shock and Jan just laughed…it’s their “thing”!)

I LOVE how the dogs even knew something was up- look at them smiling up at their “Daddy”!

After he proposed, the staff up at the tasting room cheered! It was so sweet!

Want to check out another amazing proposal at MacRostie? Click HERE!