Proposal at Silver Oak Alexander Valley

As I started to think about how to start this blog post, I realized how funny it was that I don’t get to drive out to Alexander Valley for work that often., and it was a beautiful drive out Highway 128. I have passed the driveway to Silver Oak before, but man was I in for a surprise- their tasting room is tucked pretty far back from the road, and when you get to the front, it takes your breath away just a little! Clean lines, open spaces and views for days! This proposal at Silver Oak Alexander Valley in Healdsburg made me want to return ASAP!

Alex had been emailing with me for a bit, just figuring out logistics, but when we spoke on the phone for the first time the day before, I got to experience his Australian accent and wow! So fun! I loved how much he cared about giving Keri an amazing experience (he planned to have her family there to celebrate afterwards).

I arrived a bit early so I could meet up with their host, and she took me down to the area she thought would work best. The best part? It was right next to the building with all the holding tanks, so it was nice and chill (and dark lol). I am usually standing in direct sun while I wait for my clients to arrive, so having air conditioning was a nice change!

Their host walked them to the spot, and then made an excuse to walk away, opened the door to where I was waiting and then I clicked away!

It was the end of the day, so we really had the place to ourselves, and it was great to walk the property a bit and just let them really enjoy the moment. We eventually made our way back to the tasting room/main building, where Keri’s family was waiting to celebrate!

Alex works for the Giants, so his co workers sent over some fun jerseys, and the numbers on the back signify their proposal date! How cool is that!

I left them to celebrate, and enjoyed a gorgeous drive home- which I am sure means they got to enjoy quite the sunset from their patio seating :) Congrats, you two!!