Same Sex Wedding at Secret Gardens | Bodega, California

When I look over these images, I can’t get over the joy and excitement that exudes from these ladies! Seriously, this same sex wedding at Secret Gardens was so beautiful and well thought out.

Kelsey & Sam wanted to get ready “together” but still have a First Look, so they rented an incredible AirBNB overlooking the ocean, and it was so much fun watching them get ready with family and friends, just a few doors away from each other.

We then headed out to Bodega Head, to the top of the bluff, for their First Look and wedding party photos. They couldn’t stop smiling and neither could I!

If you haven’t been to Secret Gardens event venue before, it’s so unique. The guests sit on one side of the ceremony, and then there is a pond that separates the couple and their wedding party and the officiant. Due to this unique layout, it gives the family a chance for a more intimate moment as they walk down the aisle, around the guests.

Some other amazing highlights- the maids of honor “rapping” their toasts, Sam and her Dad sharing a celebratory shot instead of a traditional first dance, and the Friends’ inspired cake topper!

Interested in seeing other same sex weddings I have done? Click HERE!